Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No, I haven't vanished from the face of the earth…yet.

Has it really been six months since I posted? I've been so busy that it went by quickly, I suppose. For your enjoyment, here is a list of reasons that I've neglected my poor blog. (For snark, please press 1. For academic-sounding-gibberish, please go elsewhere.)
  • School. Well, I am homeschooled, but I'm taking a class that requires a lot of work. If there's one thing I learn this year, it will be to stop procrastinating. I've been up all night to finish an assignment a few times. It's horrible for me, I know.
  • Band. After three years in band, I made it to the advanced band. I was really nervous at first, but I love it. Although, having rehearsal once a week and a commitment to practice for two hours every week suck up my time.
  • In December, I auditioned for, and was in a Christmas production. That was another huge time chunk.
  • I honestly haven't known what to write. I don't want this just to become a diary of sorts, where I vent and complain about boys and drama. What do I want? I don't know. Hence, the blog hiatus.
Hopefully, I'll resume blogging soon. (In the meantime, you can check out my new book blog)

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